When you place an order with FlexInvest, we provide you with an indicative price based on the current market data we have available at that time. This price is an estimate and may not reflect the final price you will pay for your order. However, we strive to provide you with the most accurate price possible when executing your order.
The actual price may differ from the indicative price for a few reasons, such as an unexpected announcement, earnings reports, government regulations, and even other participants’ trading.
When we execute your order, we take quotes from multiple sources to ensure that we get the most accurate price possible for you. This helps to minimize the difference between the indicative and actual price.
Investing in securities or other financial instruments always involves the potential of losing your money. FlexInvest recommends considering your investment objectives and risks before investing. For more information, please read our Risk Disclosures Statement and our Terms & Conditions.